The future of healing is here. And it’s not new. The universal life force, or universal energy field, has been recognized in medicine and called by many names over the millennia; Chi or Qi in Chinese Medicine, Prana in Ayurvedic medicine, Ki in Japanese Reiki, to name a few.
This life force flows through all things. It can be strengthened and cultivated or weakened and lost through choices and experiences. As a result, certain energy patterns or signatures form, and can be detected surrounding and within the body.
When we comprehend that all is one, and everything is truly connected through the unified field, we can begin to see that there is in fact no separation. And therefore no distance between us! Our world is made of atoms. We know atoms teleport from one place to another instantaneously, in effect occupying two places at the same time!
We know this happens, we just don’t know why. Not being able to solve this mystery does not make it any less true. In fact, we accept many phenomena in our everyday world that most of us don’t understand. We can’t see the radio waves that we tune-in to to hear music. TV’s, satellites, cell phones… all use waves lengths (forms of energy) to travel to us. Fifty years ago we couldn’t conceive of where we are today in terms of technology.
The “how” of distance healing is garnering attention as the field of quantum mechanics has become mainstream in top universities such as Caltech, Stanford, Harvard and Princeton. In classical mechanics, objects exist in a specific place at a specific time. However, in quantum mechanics, objects instead exist in a haze of probability. During my distance energy healing sessions, I connect with your energy field beyond space and time through the unified field.
If your logical mind needs more, “Distance Healing” by Elizabeth Targ, MD sites some interesting studies and summarizes the outcomes. I believe that science will be better able to explain energy healing and distance healing better than it can today. By combining the disciplines of medicine, physics and spiritual sciences we are on the leading edge in the future of healing and it is not new. Science is exploring what healers in cultures around the world have been accessing for millennia. Our universe is one of connectivity.
What is Energy?
Everything is energy. Or, at least 99% of the known universe is energy. Atoms are only 1% mass, the rest being the ‘empty’ space of vibration, or wave -- ENERGY! The vast majority of what exists -- we can not see! It exists in electromagnetic frequencies invisible to the human eye. All frequencies carry information. Radio or cell phone signal frequencies bring us music and voices instantaneously. Energy is a range of frequencies mostly invisible to us, and those frequencies are full of information.
How Is Energy Related To Auras?
The specific energy patterns within and surrounding people, are the various frequencies that impact how we feel, think and act. In part, those frequencies constitute our auras. Like an antenna tuning into a specific radio station, our personal energy field continuously tunes into the universal life force for frequency nourishment. This flow of energies between the personal energy field, the aura, and the universal energy field creates is cont. The pattern of energy, or shape and colors of an aura are continually changing in response to your emotions, environment, relationships, thoughts, physical health and spiritual well-being.
How are Auras Related to Chakras?
Energy is not only continuously being sent and received from each person to and from the universal field, there is also a flow of energy moving through the body. Chakras are energy centers in the body. Running from the base of the spinal column through the top of the head, these energy centers each carry very specific information in the form of frequencies that activate glands, hormones, neurons and chemical signals. The chakras are sending and receiving information (frequencies) within the body, and to and from the environment all around us and beyond. When we visually translate any moment of this frequency interchange into a snapshot, we have a picture of your aura.
The Layers of the Aura
The aura is made of multiple layers. Each of the layers reflects an aspect of our human-ness. Gemstone Therapy works with five of these layers.
A more expanded aura draws in more of life giving frequencies from the universal life force.
It also has more ‘bandwidth’ to protect us.
The result? You feel better!
The first layer of an aura is the Supra-physical Body; it is closest to your body, has the most matter and resembles the physical body the most.
The second layer of an aura is the Emotional Body. It is the energy field where emotions are born, recorded and stored. This layer also encompasses the supra-physical layer.
The third layer of an aura is called the Causal Body. This layer is where our memories, karmic records, and information about the past, present and future are stored (or our parallel lives). The Causal body encompasses the emotional body and the supra-physical.
The fourth layer of the aura is called the Mental Body. It holds the energetic signature of thoughts, and it is where our thoughts originate. It encompasses the causal, emotional, and supra-physical layers of the aura.
The fifth layer of our aura is called the Intuitive Body. This layer of our aura relays the perceptions, wisdom and guidance from a higher intelligence. This layer encompasses the mental, causal, emotional and supra-physical layers of the aura.
Colors in My Aura
The colors in your aura are the frequencies your chakras are signaling to the universal energy field for, or receiving from it, to restore harmony and balance in the body or mind.
The process of calling in these color rays comes naturally, much like breathing does.
Though your body and being innately knows what color rays will be most beneficial to restore balance and harmony, often there is simply an overload on our systems, rendering it difficult to call in those color rays. This overload comes from many sources, building up over time; from noise, pollution, toxins, low frequency radiation of computers and cellphones, to thoughts, judgements, belief systems, memories, traumas, worries, fears and past life issues. All of these sources play a part in the state of our health.
The ways in which that focus and application are shaped and effective depends on the training, skills, and techniques used.
When working with a practitioner, whether it's distance healing or an in-person session, the work depends on intention and the client’s own willingness to participate and receive.
Through the application of energy medicine techniques, the practitioner is able to facilitate the client’s innate ability to harmonize and optimize energy patterns to their original, coherent, balanced state.

Carrie Moss, Energy Medicine Practitioner
My role is to tune into the frequencies of your body and being to restore balance. With the use of gemstones, earthstones and channeled light frequencies, I concentrate, transmute, vitalize and/or clear those energies greater to make way for health and wellbeing.
Years of training has led the a blending of the energy healing modalities listed below resulting in sessions that are unique and bespoke to each client and each session.
Our well-being and physical health can be strengthened by working with potent earth formed crystals. Gemstones are crystals formed over millions of years as minerals compressed beneath the earth's surface. These crystalline gemstones have a vast cosmic memory and each one contains a specific vibration that naturally resonates with frequencies in our physical body and our subtle bodies (the layers of our aura). Every positive and negative emotion, disease, ailment, relationship and life situation has an energetic signature that takes up residence in our bodies and in our aura. Each gemstone has its own unique ability to be drawn to those energy signatures subsequently uplifting, clearing or optimizing the flow of frequencies within us. When we raise frequency and support energetic flow within our body and being we feel better, gain momentum in stuck areas of our life and, generally, begin to thrive in all areas of our life...mind, body and spirit.
CLH™ is an upgraded form of Reiki created by spiritual teacher Alyssa Malehorn. It requires the Channeled Light Healing practitioner to work from a place of coherence within their own energy field. In a state of coherence, a practitioner will be able activate and accelerate a client’s healing process. Working together, I channel with the focus of your intention for the section I channel the highest and purest energy through me and to you. This modality allows us to shift out of low frequencies and avoid moving through lower vibratory holding patterns. This work is especially appropriate is you have unprocessed trauma, as it allows release without having to relive it.
Color Ray Therapy uses a range of life giving color frequencies to nourish areas in your body and being with the energies it needs to heal. With the use of chakra-aligned color ray bearing gemstones, we nourish energetic signatures that need harmonization and optimization. bio-chemical and hormonal processes to restore flow and shift energetic signatures that may be stored in the physical or in the layers of the aura. I use Color Ray Therapy in all of my sessions.
Red Color Ray Carrier
An energetic anchor connecting you to earth, ruby energy grounds you via your root chakra. It nourishes your inner resources and strengths. With those reserves activated, the red color rays encourages self-control. With self-discipline comes forward momentum in the direction you want to go.
Pink Color Ray Carrier
At once a soothing balm and an energetic precision tweezers, the focused color ray of rose quartz helps release the energy of negative thought patterns. Unhealthy, limiting emotions extend inward like prickly thorns from the emotional layer of your aura into your body causing real physical, muscular pain. The pink color ray helps address underlying unresolved grief, sadness so that you can experience peace.
Orange Color Ray Carrier
Directly communicating with the sacral chakra, the Orange Color Ray supports healthy relationships all around. You with your people, habits, and your cells and organs with each other. When our relationships are in good standing, we feel vital and more joyful which promotes good energy flow through out our bodies and life.
Yellow Color Carrier
The yellow color ray aids the solar plexus chakra, home of all things GUT. With your gut (and its instinct!) vitalized, taking a leadership role within and with out will feel easier. By taking charge, dreams come to fruition. You’ll be able to more easily access not only those entrances with new grace, but exits as well.
Green Color Ray Carrier
The Green Color Ray carries its message through your heart chakra, and to your innate intelligence, wisdom and love filled being-ness. It energetically aligns you to remember and embrace your unique self. Helps shift perspective to see the abundance of resources surrounding you. Supports bodily organs.
Turquoise Color Ray Carrier
Turquoise is the energetic sister to earthly charcoal. Absorbing your aura’s low vibrations of unwanted energy, it helps to clear this layer of your being from what’s keeping it down. With a unique energetic self-cleaning system, turquoise is ever-ready to take in and purify cycles of low frequency.
Blue Color Ray Carrier
The Blue Color Ray vitalizes the throat chakra, which supports clear communication enabling you to speak your truth, whether its verbal, written, or telepathic. Thoughts are organized for optimal flow.
Purple Color Ray Carrier
Amethyst nourishes the crown chakra, uplifting your entire being with high frequency spiritual energy. It allows for a bird’s eye view to help you better identify your purpose in life and then set priorities. Acts as a reset for your nervous system.
Carrier of the White Color Ray
Therapeutic quartz crystal spheres communicate with the universal field by drawing energy from it and into the layers of your aura. Especially tuning into your breath and the respiratory system, crystal quartz help to balance energy flows in and around you and your environment.
Medical Disclaimer
Carrie Moss is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Therefore, Carrie Moss does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. Nothing in this website should be construed to constitute healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. Carrie Moss encourages you to seek the care of a licensed healthcare professional if you believe such care is required. Information or guidance provided by Carrie Moss should not be construed as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved.