Carrie Moss

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My Chakra System and the Pandemic


The colors rays our chakras are calling in reveal how situations in our lives are affecting us. Testing and evaluating our chakras, which are the seven primary energy centers on our body, gives us insight into what areas of our lives would benefit from our attention. Harmonizing the chakras that are not calling in their vitalizing color creates stability in our energy field and supports our ability to make decision for our highest good.



As the pandemic drags on and there isn’t an end in sight, I decided to evaluate the affect it is having on me physically, emotionally and mentally. Each chakra has its own vitalizing color and a chakra calls in a color other than it’s vitalizing color we are provided with information about our intention in regards to the area of our life that the chakra represents. The chakra system changes the colors that it is calling in according to our thoughts and emotions. When we hold an intention in our mind to evaluate our chakra system for a specific purpose (i.e. “how is the pandemic affecting me”) our chakra system will shift to call in those color ray energies that it needs according to that specific intention.

 First, I tested each chakra to find out what color it was pulling in when I let my mind drift and thought about nothing in particular. Next, I thought about the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on my life and tested to see what colors  my chakras were calling in once again. Since our chakras change according to what we are thinking about the shifts give us loads of information. 


1.     My relationship with the COVID-19 pandemic is causing a polarity shift between my crown chakra and my root chakra. The root chakra was calling in the purple ray and the crown chakra was calling in the red color ray. This would explain why I have been feeling so ungrounded, foggy and lost lately.

2.  My stomach chakra called in the yellow color ray and my brow or third eye chakra still called in the indigo color ray. Which let me know that the pandemic has not affected my ability to tap into my intuition or envision what my future will look like. I still feel like the captain of my own ship and I have a strong sense of self.

3.  Correcting the polarity shift will give me forward momentum which will be amazing because I already can envision my future and I feel like I am the leader of my life. I am just sort of treading water due to the polar shift with my root chakra.

4.     My root chakra is calling in the purple ray instead of the red ray. The purple ray at the root chakra is nourishing that energy center with a sense of wisdom that is carried by the purple ray, reminding the root chakra, which also houses our sense of survival, that all will be well, our basic needs will be met…. look within to your spirituality. 

5.     Communication has been tough during this time…lol!

This didn’t come as a surprise to me. Typically, the throat chakra calls in the blue color ray, but my pandemic evaluation showed that my throat chakra was calling in orange. The pandemic is challenging my communication skills in the relationship department! The orange ray vitalizes and supports healthy relationships. It also improves energy flows, particularly the outflow of thoughts and ideas. My evaluation showed that my throat chakra desperately needed support, as we have been living with those we love 24/7.



 During my meditations I will tune into my crown, throat, sacral, and root chakra centers and send life giving energy to them. I will give myself another evaluation (listed as Personal Evolution Session in  OFFERINGS) in the next two weeks to see how if the support I gave each chakra was integrated. Since I moved each chakra into accepting its vitalizing color, while thinking of the pandemic, I will more easily be able to say what is on my mind, have a sense of strength and fortitude when it comes to making things happen in my life and have more access to my Highest Self when in the throes of pandemic fatigue and anxiety.