Carrie Moss

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The Benefits of Grounding to Earth's Energies

You’ve probably heard the term grounding or earthing by now, meaning to connect energetically to earth energies, but have you ever wondered the why and how?

 3 Reasons to Practice Grounding

 1. Earth energy vibrates at a frequency that is very stabilizing to our body and energy field. Grounding organizes scattered energies that can make you feel unfocused, weak, or in pain and transmutes those energies into more harmonious frequencies.

 harmonious energy = feel better

2. Earthing or grounding has been found to enhance sleep patterns for a better nights rest and reduce pain and  inflammation.

 3. When we are connected with earth energies we are naturally able to receive more cosmic energy. Cosmic energies support our creativity and mental focus, intuition, our connection with Source Energy and living a heart centered life.

How To:

 Most sources on the internet will suggest that you start your practice by standing barefoot on the dirt or grass, with nothing between you and Mother Earth. I agree, this is a great way to start but there is a special step that will super-charge your grounding practice. The secret to super-charging your practice is intention.  

Simple Grounding Technique

  • Place your bare feet on the earth and breathe in a non-forced, naturally rhythmical way.

  • Focus your intention on receiving the earth’s energies. Use your imagination to visualize earth energies moving from the earth up through the bottom of your feet. filling your physical body and aura.

Intending that the energy flows effortlessly to your and through you, with focus, will amplify your earthing sessions! After a while you won't even need to go outside and stand barefoot on the can simply intend to receive those same energies because you have entrained your energetic system to respond to your intention (geesh, how many times can a word be used in one paragraph!).

That means you can be standing on the 20th of floor of a high rise building, getting ready to go into your really important meeting and simply call on those energies to calm you. This is the stuff of energy medicine and you've got everything you need to start today! 

Wanna go deeper?