Carrie Moss

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My Journey to Energy Medicine

Hey there!

I thought I would give y’all a little background about how I ended up here, in this wonderful, fantastical and sometimes hard to believe space of energy and its implication in our lives. This isn’t a short post so grab a glass or a mug and settle in for a bit.

How it All Started

A little over four years ago, I was in a huge transition. My mom had just recently passed from cancer (my sister transitioned from cancer, too about 15 years prior, so this was a double whammy). I took care of her for the last couple of months of her life and afterward I was super depleted and grieving. I was a a freelance photographer at that point and I co-managed a small boutique hotel in Austin. 


Cancer as a Catalyst

After mom’s passing, I decided I wanted a 9-5 job. No more freelancing. I just wanted something steady and stable and if I could find something with a little creativity involved in it, well that would be just great! I landed the job and it took less than three months to come to the realization that I was just wilting. I learned so much about myself during that time. Taking that job solidified for me that I really am a creative entrepreneur here to serve. 


Following the Nudge

It was right around this time that one of my best friends who I went to art school with showed me an aura photo. I was blown away by the beauty of it and by the fact that technology like that existed. The seed for MOOD by MOSS was planted!. Ironically, my mom was the one who introduced me to metaphysical concepts and spirituality in my twenties, so the human aura wasn’t something that was foreign to me (btw, she loves what I am doing now🙏🏽). Several months later, I resigned from the whitling on the vine job and I committed to putting everything I had into getting my aura photography business off the ground. And I mean everything! It was super scary to buy the technology ($$$) and cross my fingers that this business model would work AND believe in myself to make it happen. 


Following the Nudge (Again)

Not much more than a year later, I started getting the notion to actually work with the energy field. I pushed it away and kept powering through. I mean, who was I to think that I could do that (thank you ego for trying to keep me safe but I choose to listen to my heart)?  Not to mention, the modality that was coming through to me was crystal healing. I’ll never forget being on the road that summer with MOOD and getting sign after sign to follow my internal nudges. They were direct messages from my Guides and My Highest Self whacking me upside the head over and over again signaling YES, DO IT. 

Inspired Action

I started researching programs to learn how to do energy work with crystals. I knew I wanted a program that was deep and proven. I literally found the Gemstone Therapy Institute on my first google search. I started watching all the videos and researching the program and it really spoke to me. No other program I found actually moved the crystals through the aura. It really resonated with me. Therapeutic gemstones and crystals used for healing work are expensive and the program is long and intensive. It takes most people between 2 and 3 years to finish and take their exam. AND I had fulltime work already with MOOD. Doubt ran rampant, but I decided to enroll in January of 2018. 


Am I Worthy?

My first workshop was in Seattle that spring. As I began to learn about the various protocols, how crystals and gemstones work, how to sense energetic cushions and pull-ins, clearing/nourishing the aura with gemstones all while being guided by my intuition in this work. I loved it, but even so, I still had my doubts. I was definitely a skeptic at that point. But I couldn’t stop. I just kept learning and practicing and buying more tools and attending more trainings. Sometimes I would be thinking to myself “are you nuts? No one is going to believe that these gifts from the earth can initiate healing! Much less pay you to do the work! And who are you to think you are gifted enough to do this work?” I silenced the inner critic, listened to the calling and just kept going. 



Two and half years later, being certified in Gemstone Therapy, Channelled Light Healing and Color Ray therapy, I can say without a doubt that crystal healing or any modality of energy medicine, for that matter, works! But it isn’t the certifications that made me a believer. It has been my own experience healing deep seated issues that have held me back and chronic physical issues and the feedback from my clients that anchored my belief in energy medicine. By working with the human energy system, we can heal much more than a hurt foot, broken heart, anxiety or grief. We can actually heal for our ancestors and our future selves, transmute limiting beliefs that are holding us back, cut energetic chords with others and MORE (I might have lost you there, more on all that later). Energy knows no bounds, it knows no space or time. A skilled practitioner can facilitate your own innate ability to heal to the level that you are ready to heal.


I wake up every damn day amazed at how fortunate I am to be on this path. If you would have asked me 20 years ago what I would be doing today, I wouldn’t have answered, “Oh, I’ll work with the human energy system and travel between parallel universes, facilitate healing with others using energy medicine and use my focus, imagination and training to heal via distance.” But that is exactly what I am doing, and I am so very grateful.